Sunday, September 12, 2010

Welcome to the real

Welcome to my first ride out in the blogoshpere.  I'm not sure where this will go or if anyone wil even read this, but i have a lot to share and this is better than venting and boring my friends.

The school year has begun with Joel forgetting his religious roots, is this a sign that he will eliminate the new years vacation in January as well?  The newer model of the new model has been rolled out,  CFN's are here to support principals, similar to Jack Daniels supplying rides to AA meetings.  We assume competence for those in power, remember what happens when you assume... Where do we go from here?   I love September, the METS owners make excuses for not making the playoffs and the DOE makes excuses for the test scores.  When do we revolt against the decision making and the manipulation of data.
On a side note, i am heartbroken every time i see a teacher live up to stereotypes of educators.  Self reflection is better than any smartboard or textbook you could receive.  By the way Don Charlton sat in a chair and cried in front of his class because he lost control of his room. The only ones who suffered were the kids.

Looking for lunch ideas, make your own on sundays for three days of the week, you will save a ton of money.  Big salads, rice congee, or leftovers will allow you a healthy and cheaper alternative to revisiting the local lunch options (some schools have no good food for blocks).  congee is a rice soup that is filling and you can add anything you want to it.
 - boil 1/2 a cup of rice with 1 1/2 cups of water or chicken stock for 1 hour to 1 and a half hours stirring every half an hour . add the end add whatever you want, chicken, soy sauce, pork, scallions, leftover meat, etc.  Its is easy to criticize the chef when your not doing any of the cooking...